7-Day Plan: Get a Spotless, Beautifully Organized Bedroom

We’ve already tackled the living room, entry hall and bathroom with weeklong cleaning and clutter-busting plans; now it’s time to dive into the bedroom. If what you notice when you walk into your bedroom is not peacefulness but the overstuffed closet and the dust bunnies, put this strategy to work. Let’s get started.

Make a plan of attack. Assess your bedroom. Where are the problem areas? What is working well? The bedroom should be a sanctuary, a restful place in which to relax and dream. If your space is pretty clean, but your closet is stuffed to bursting and you can barely close your drawers, it makes sense to spend more time decluttering. On the other hand, if your wardrobe is already fairly streamlined but you suffer from allergies, you’ll want to devote extra time to banishing dust and pet hair. Read over the whole plan below before beginning and decide where to focus your efforts.

Day 1: Streamline the wardrobe.

Decluttering tasks: Take everything out of your closet and drawers. Assess each item by looking it over for damage and trying it on. Don’t skip trying it on! Put clothes that no longer fit or that you do not like in a pile to give away or sell. Put out-of-season clothes and accessories in a separate pile for storage. Put clothes you love that need alterations or repairs in a tote bag to bring to the dry cleaner.

The clothes you put back in your closet should be ones that you love, that fit you right now, that are appropriate for the current season and are in good repair. If your wardrobe needs serious paring, this could take all day, so plan accordingly. It’s no fun to get everything out and then realize you have somewhere to be, leaving your room worse than it was before! If you know you don’t have as much cleaning to do, consider tackling the closet today and the dresser tomorrow.

Cleaning tasks: While your closet is empty, vacuum the interior. Wipe down closet shelves and inside dresser drawers.

Day 2: Do a whole-room refresh.

Cleaning tasks: While the bedroom does not get as grimy as the kitchen or bath, it can accumulate a surprising amount of dust.

  • Vacuum the entire room from top to bottom. Use an attachment to clean window treatments and walls, and be sure to reach the wand all the way under the bed.

  • Get on a stepladder and clean the light fixtures and the tops of high shelves.

  • Clean the tops of nightstands, dressers and other surfaces.

  • Launder small rugs and curtains if they’re washable.

  • Spot clean area rugs after vacuuming or take them to the dry cleaner.

  • Mop wood floors.

Decluttering tasks: As you make your way around the room, set aside things that belong elsewhere (dishes for the kitchen, borrowed clothes etc.) and return them.

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7-Day Plan: Get a Spotless, Beautifully Organized Bedroom

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