Houses Exposed: Show Your Structure for Great Design

Structure is the warp and woof of architecture. But modern-day homes too often reduce structure to a means to an end, hiding it like a dirty secret under a thick extraneous layer that acts more like a stage set. Most homes are built to mimic imagery from another time and place, cheaply impersonating legitimate architecture from the beautiful ages of the past; the skeletal frame then becomes nothing more than an architectural pallbearer carrying the weight of a dead design.

A home structure deserves more. It must do more than merely carry the weight of a building and its occupants. Structure should be expressed in a home’s design and be aesthetically pleasing. A good work of architecture cannot be separated from its bony innards, functionally or aesthetically.

Author Ayn Rand famously gave the following words to her protagonist Howard Roark in The Fountainhead: “A building has integrity just like a man. And just as seldom.” Integrity lies in the integration of a home’s space and structure to express form with function in a beautiful way, thus creating architecture.

The projects in this ideabook embody this idea. Take the example here. The structure is architecture, and the architecture is structure. The two are married with great aesthetic success and cannot be separated.

The enclosing skeleton of the home is expressed; we see column, beam and rafter. Other details (like the cable railing) are minimal so as not to interfere with the home’s simple beauty.

Exposed rafters create rhythm and interest here, another successful marriage of space and structure. The structure encloses space, while the interior weaves in and out of its canopy, forming livable indoor and outdoor spaces, all beneath the same structure.

This structure is kinetic, much like a Calatrava building, with window coverings that slide down from the exposed cantilevered wide-flange beams.

Also, the exposed beams, columns and metal skin give the home an industrial character.

More Houses Exposed: Show Your Structure for Great Design

Houses Exposed: Show Your Structure for Great Design

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