Kitchen Banquettes: Explaining the Buffet of Options
Banquette seating in a kitchen saves space, brings pattern and color to the room through upholstery and creates a cozy spot for meals. But it’s important to consider the functional aspects.
There’s a lot to consider, but keep in mind that banquettes can be designed to match any kitchen style. They can be custom built by a finish carpenter, purchased as a bench from some cabinet manufacturers or assembled from cabinet components —for example, a 15-inch-high by 18-inch-deep wall cabinet mounted on a wood-framed base (the same height as your cabinets), and finished with a matching cabinet toe kick trim and a wood seat.
The price to build a banquette varies greatly depending upon size, construction and finish details, but the results can provide a beautiful and unique dining area.
Here are a few of the options.

Banquette Shapes and Styles
Booth. This cozy little booth, in essence a banquette, is a charming spot for meals. It can accommodate four diners, possibly five if the table had a pedestal base. Because the table is completely enclosed, however, this may not be the most flexible arrangement for your family.
When to use: When space is at a premium.

U-shaped. This beautiful banquette seats quite a few diners. It would be a relaxing place for a dinner party. Getting in and out on a daily basis, however, might be problematic.
When to use: When a rectangular table best fits the space.

Curved. This rounded banquette is a great way to accommodate a lot of diners in a smaller space; there is no wasted corner. It does, however, have the same accessibility issues as the large U-shaped banquette.
When to use: When a round table best fits the space.
More Kitchen Banquettes: Explaining the Buffet of Options
There’s a lot to consider, but keep in mind that banquettes can be designed to match any kitchen style. They can be custom built by a finish carpenter, purchased as a bench from some cabinet manufacturers or assembled from cabinet components —for example, a 15-inch-high by 18-inch-deep wall cabinet mounted on a wood-framed base (the same height as your cabinets), and finished with a matching cabinet toe kick trim and a wood seat.
The price to build a banquette varies greatly depending upon size, construction and finish details, but the results can provide a beautiful and unique dining area.
Here are a few of the options.
Banquette Shapes and Styles
Booth. This cozy little booth, in essence a banquette, is a charming spot for meals. It can accommodate four diners, possibly five if the table had a pedestal base. Because the table is completely enclosed, however, this may not be the most flexible arrangement for your family.
When to use: When space is at a premium.
U-shaped. This beautiful banquette seats quite a few diners. It would be a relaxing place for a dinner party. Getting in and out on a daily basis, however, might be problematic.
When to use: When a rectangular table best fits the space.
Curved. This rounded banquette is a great way to accommodate a lot of diners in a smaller space; there is no wasted corner. It does, however, have the same accessibility issues as the large U-shaped banquette.
When to use: When a round table best fits the space.
More Kitchen Banquettes: Explaining the Buffet of Options