14 Ways to Style Your Mantel for Spring and Summer
The mantel is often the focal point of the living room in winter, but it can be hard to know how to decorate the fireplace once warmer weather arrives. Do you play it up with fresh colors and artwork, or let it hide out behind strategically placed chairs and plants? No matter the approach you prefer, these 14 styling ideas should spark your imagination.

1. Surround it with summery color. Take a step back and notice what is to the left and right of your mantel. How you treat this space can change the look of your mantel by association — think of painting the walls a fresh blue or green, or swap out dark drapes for breezy white sheers.

2. Fill a demijohn with big branches. Actually, any extra-large container will do — just prune a branch or two from your own tree, plunk them in water and place the container beside your mantel. The swooping height and fresh green color are sure to reinvigorate your space.

3. Paint logs a fun hue. Give your fireplace a fun, modern makeover by filling it with painted logs, and hang a vintage educational map above. Just make sure no one tries to burn the painted logs; they are definitely for decor only!

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1. Surround it with summery color. Take a step back and notice what is to the left and right of your mantel. How you treat this space can change the look of your mantel by association — think of painting the walls a fresh blue or green, or swap out dark drapes for breezy white sheers.
2. Fill a demijohn with big branches. Actually, any extra-large container will do — just prune a branch or two from your own tree, plunk them in water and place the container beside your mantel. The swooping height and fresh green color are sure to reinvigorate your space.
3. Paint logs a fun hue. Give your fireplace a fun, modern makeover by filling it with painted logs, and hang a vintage educational map above. Just make sure no one tries to burn the painted logs; they are definitely for decor only!
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