Holiday Party Prep, Part 1: Add Sneaky Seating

Is one of your goals this year to be less stressed and enjoy yourself more during the holiday season? If the answer is yes, consider getting as much prep out of the way now as possible — so when it’s your turn to host a party or have the whole family over for a holiday meal, you can feel calm. Join us as we tackle a different key area of holiday prep each week, starting with these 10 solutions to that ever-present problem … where all of those extra guests will sit. Let’s get started.

1. Floor cushions.

No, Great-Grandma probably won’t want to sit on the floor, but younger guests at a crowded gathering won’t mind plunking down one bit — provided you have some nice, cushy floor pillows on hand. Before the party you can store your cushions under the coffee table, stacked on a shelf or in a closet; pull them out and toss them on the floor before your guests arrive.

2. Stacked stools.

These are great because they take up practically no space yet can unstack to provide you with two, three or more extra seats in a snap. Just keep it to two or three if you plan to leave them out all the time — more than that can look cluttered.

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3. Low seating in front of the fire. People tend to avoid putting seats in front of the fireplace for fear of blocking the view — but you can easily tuck in a few low stools or ottomans, or even a bench, while keeping sight lines open.

More about Holiday Party Prep, Part 1: Add Sneaky Seating

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