Designing for Pleasure: A Safe and Sound Perch

Thinking like a chipmunk is crucial if you’re trying to create a place where humans will feel safe and calm. Not used to being in chipmunk mode? A little practice is all you’ll need.

Chipmunks are social animals who don’t use brute strength and armor for protection, much like our human ancestors living on the savannah. When a chipmunk is out and about and something scary happens — a cat appears or a thunderstorm begins — there’s not much he can do but run and hide. So finding a protected spot from which to survey the nearby world can keep a chipmunk’s unpleasant surprises to a minimum.

Humans had a similar set of options for keeping themselves safe eons ago, and early responses to threats remain locked into our brains, where they still shape the sorts of places in which we thrive. Research has shown that when humans create spaces where their primitive selves would have felt safe — also known as biophilic design — they live better lives.

Canopy beds, and the security they provide, aren’t just for children. The design of this adult bed would help any of us decompress after a tension-packed day.

Window seats built in spaces with lowered ceilings are a great place from which to survey the world inside and out. Just another way to get prospect and refuge into our lives.

Read more Designing for Pleasure: A Safe and Sound Perch

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